MARTEM AS was founded in 1991. The company consists of specialists in energetics and information technology.
Our field of activity is development and implementation of telecontrol systems for supervising and controlling electrical distribution networks. We provide SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software solutions and equipment for control centres, substations and switching points. Martem continuously develops better telecontrol devices and software to ensure that our customers are provided with the latest high quality products.
Our clients are electrical distribution companies, industrial and transport companies who own local electrical networks. The biggest customers are Eesti Energia, Eestonian Railways, VKG Elektrivõrgud, Imatra Elekter, Tallinna Linnatranspordi Aktsiaselts and Latvenergo.
Business field:
Martem AS is ISO 9001:2015 certified
Lumoflex Smart Street lighting System is complete outdoor lighting control solution. It consists of hardware to control street light operation and software to monitor and adjust system remotely.
AS Martem Laki 25, 12915 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: (+372) 639 7979 E-mail: martem [at] martem dot eu